The Dolphin Brain Atlas
John I. Johnson, Lori Marino, Keith D. Sudheimer, Kenneth J. Buchanan, Rachel Walter, Brian M. Winn, Garrett M. Kerndt, Fabiano M. Ferreira, D. Ann Pabst, William A. McLellan, James K. Rilling, Kristina K. Davis, Timothy L. Murphy, and Archibald J. Fobbs Jr.
Michigan State University; Emory University; University of North Carolina at Wilmington; National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
A description of the brain used for the MRI images in this atlas has been published in The Anatomical Record.
Click here for the reference, and for a list of our other publications on cetacean brains.
Introduction and Methods
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Complete Cell and Fiber Stained Sections Movies

Supported by: Grants IBN 0131267, 0131826, and 0131028, from the National Science Foundation
Division of Integrative Biology and Neuroscience.