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A fixed brain is embedded in celloidin and hundreds of thin sections (25-40 microns thick) are sectioned sequentially from the block like one would in slicing a sausage. The brain specimens from which we have prepared serial sections are arranged from front to back (rostral - caudal) and are listed below. View the Atlas sections from the specimen of your choice by clicking on the section image next to each animal's name.

Virginia Opossum (cells and fibers)

Western Grey Kangaroo

Tail-less Tenrec


elephant shrew Eastern Rock Elephant Shrew (cells and fibers)

Rock Hyrax

Florida Manatee (cells and fibers)

Nine-banded Armadillo

Giant Anteater
Southern Tamandua
(Collared Anteater)
1000 atl
Two-toed Sloth

Common Treeshrew

Philippine Flying Lemur

Human (cells and fibers)
Three-striped Night Monkey (Owl Monkey)
Rhesus Monkey
Mandrill (cells and fibers
Mongoose Lemur
Common Squirrel Monkey Gray Mouse Lemur (cells and fibers) cebus 304 sm White-headed Capuchin (Cebus)
Northern Plains Gray Langur Potto Southern
Pig-tailed Macaque
Mantled Howler Red-bellied Titi Monkey; Rt Hemi
(cells and fibers)

European (Domestic) Rabbit

West European Hedgehog (cells and fibers)

Common Shrew (cells and fibers)
Eastern Mole

Indian Flying Fox

Ermine Yellow Mongoose
Spotted Hyena (cells and fibers)
Lion Polar Bear
Harbor Seal
Domestic Cat 840 \Red Fox
840 White-nosed Coati 840 Red (Lesser) Panda 1500 Domestic Dog (Basenji)

cells and fibers)

640 Greater Grison (cells and fibers) 600 European Polecat

American Mink
(cells and fibers

1042 Raccoon    

Burchell's Zebra

Wild Boar (Domestic Pig)
Zebu (cells and fibers)
White-tailed Deer Goat (Domestic) Collared Peccary

Bottlenose Dolphin (cells and fibers)

American Beaver
Domesticated Guinea Pig mt bvr

Sewellel (Mountain Beaver)

Long-tailed Chinchilla (cells and fibers) 640 Eastern Gray Squirrel 820 Capybara
Northern Pocket Gopher 840 North American Porcupine (cells and fibers)    

A major aim of our Web Site is to allow anyone to find out how the brains of mammals are constructed; what the internal architecture of brains look like, and which are the different groups of neurons that are responsible for different functions such as behavioral, mental and emotional capabilities.

The chimpanzee brain shown in the title above is pulled apart at three different planes of section and the parts pulled apart to reveal the stained sections at their interfaces.

The collections of brain sections displayed for different animals on this page are taken from different planes of coronal section from the front to the back of each brain. These sections are arranged as sets of images that have been stained to reveal the internal arrangement of either nerve cells or fiber tracts. These collections of brain section pictures constitute what are called ATLASES.

Brain Atlases are thus maps that reveal how their cell groups and fiber tracts are arranged. An atlas of the chimpanzee brain is like a guide book that shows how the chimp brain is constructed. The pages of a brain atlas of a particular animal represent the sections from the front to the back of the brain of that animal. The text in a brain atlas tells how the brain is constructed, what its different parts are, and what the parts are called or named. Thus, a brain atlas is a directory of the circuits of the brain. It can be used by anyone who wishes to understand how the brain is put together, and it helps us in understanding where different brain functions are localized and distributed.

It is important to note that the brains of all mammals have the same basic brain parts, cell groups, fiber tracts, and neural circuits. The same brain nuclei that can be identified in rats and mice can also be found in the brains of humans, horses and whales. Human brain atlases reveal additional nuclei not found in other animals. Every animal has brain nuclei that are differentially enlarged or diminished from similar nuclei found in other animals.

Study of the brain atlases of different mammals can reveal features that are unique or special to the different mammals, and thus can help us understand how differences in neuroanatomical construction of each mammal relate to functional expressions that are also unique or specialized in that mammal.

Brain atlases have been prepared for a variety of animals. Information about these various brain atlases can be found at the following Web sites:

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