order Sirenia contains three living species of Manatee (Trichechidae)
and one species of Dugong (Family Dugongidae). The Florida Manatee(
Trichechus manatus latirostris) is one subspecies of
the West Indian Manatee. The Antilian Manatee (Trichechus
manatus manatus) is the other West Indian subspecies. West
Indian Manatees occupy coastal and estuarine waters throughout
the Caribbean region. The Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus ininguis)
lives entirely in the Amazon river and its tributaries. A third
species of Manatee, the West African, (Trichechus senagalensis)
occupies the coastal waterways of the West African Continent.
Dugongs (Dugong dugon) occupy the marine coasts of east
Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Malaysia, Indonesia and northern
fifth, and largest, Sirenian of recent times, the Stellar Sea
Cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), was also a member of the family
Dugongidae. These enormous sirenians had evolved further to
occupy the colder waters along the shores of the eastern Pacific
ocean. These animals survived off the Aleutian islands until
1872, when the last animal of this species was killed for food
, 28 years after being first sighted. Although there is only
one living species of dugong, ancestors resembling them were
diverse and widely distributed in the fossil record. Sirenians
were most diverse in the Miocene (5-25 mya) when tropical conditions
were widespread. The most widespread genus was Metaxytherium,
which is considered ancestral to a subfamily of dugongids which
included the Stellar Sea Cow. Metaxytherium lived world wide
throughout the Mediterranean, Caribbean and western Pacific
(SA & NA). Manatees and Dugongs appeared to have separated
about 40 mya. (The conclusions here were gleaned from the many
published studies of Dr. Daryl P. Domning)
above provided by Save the Manatee Club)